About us

From our head office based in the historic market town of Malmesbury, we have rapidly grown from an unknown name in the industry, to becoming an industry leader. Our client base is international and includes huge recognisable names from a wide variety of sectors. Our goal is to bring easy-to-use skills management tools and services to as many organisations as possible.

We have been established for over 15 years, and we specialise in providing SFIA-based services. For IT professionals, the ‘Skills Framework for the Information Age’ (SFIA) is now the globally accepted common language for the skills and competencies required in the digital world.

It is often said that the most important resource any organisation has is its people. Placing the right people with the right skills in the right roles is crucial if your organisation is to achieve its key objectives year on year.

What we do

At Assess Management Ltd (trading as ‘ValidateSkills.com’), we are accredited SFIA Partners, Consultants, and Training providers. Our SFIA services are wide ranging and include: introductory SFIA training, job role mapping against SFIA skill codes, and our IT Skills Analysis (ITSA) tool which utilises an advanced self-assessment process.

Our services don’t end with SFIA. Through ValidateSkills we offer online assessment services, so that you can test the skills and knowledge of new applicants or existing employees. In the case of schools, colleges, or awarding organisations, your students or candidates can also benefit from its versatility. The results of the exams are automatically compiled providing data for closer analysis.

You can find out more by browsing the relevant sections of our web site, or by enquiring below.

A few words from our Managing Director

We’ve seen such exponential growth in the last decade. From just myself and my objective testing tool back in 2005, to growing to a global team of incredibly talented people and creating our acclaimed ITSA tool. I’m so proud of what we have become, and I’m very excited to see where we’re heading.

Kevin Tibbs, Managing Director